ਭਾਰਤੀ ਧਰਮਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਮੁਕਤੀ: / 258
ਜੈਨ ਧਰਮ ਦੇ ਵਿਸ਼ੇਸ਼ ਹਵਾਲੇ ਨਾਲ
18. Majjhim Nikaye Part II, P. 121, W. Rahul, What the Buddha Taught P. 172, Dhigh Nikaye Part I, P. 43 19. Majjhim Nikaye Part II, P. 121, W. Rahul, What the Buddha Taught P. 172, Dhigh Nikaye Part I, P. 43 20. R. E. Johansson, The Psychology of Nirwana, P. 112 - 115
21. Hindu Mysticism, P. 90
22. Mrs. Riz David, Buddhism P. 184; A.K. Lad, The concept of Liberation in Indian Philosophy, P. 60
23. G.C. Pandey, Studies in the Origins of Buddhism P. 448 24. E. Conze, Buddhist Texts Through the Ages, P. 96 25. E. Conze, Buddhist Texts Through the Ages, P. 96 26. D.T. Suzuki, Studies in the Lankavatarasutra, P. 96 27. L.M. Joshi, "Truth: A Buddist Perspective, The Journal of Religious Studies Vol. 4 P. 68
28. Milindprashan 3.4 - 6
29. Studies in the Origins of Buddhism P. 445
30. Buddhist Philosophy of Universal Fux, P. 246 31. J.N. Sinha
A History of Indian Philosphy, Vol. II, P. 357, A.L. Lad, Op cit. P. 66
32. W. Rahul, What the Buddha Taught, P. 39
33. W. Rahul, What the Buddha Taught, P. 41-42
34. W. Rahul, What the Buddha Taught, P. 42
35. Conception of Budhist Nirwana P. 29
36. G.C. Pandey, Conception of Budhist Nirwana P. 447
37. Shiksha Samuchy Gatha 1
38. Madhiyamik Shaster, 24. 10