were made accessible to us for collation. They have been designated here as A, A'.
Its No. is 3155 It is complete. Size 11" X 6". It has generally li lines a page, syllables per line ranging from 36 to 39. It is written on Indian hand made paper and is in a good condition The whole of the text is written in black ink. It is in old Devanagari script. bold, beautiful, even hand. It has generally clean margins with occasional corrections. Left hand marginal top of each folio on its reverse bears a serial number of the folio. It bears the following historically important colophon: इति त्रैलोक्यप्रकाशो नाम ग्रन्थः समाप्तः ॥ सुभं भवतु ॥ शार्दूलविक्रीडितं ॥
अस्ति श्री वटपत्तने दितिपतिः श्रीमान मनीषी वशी
___ कतु पुस्तकसंग्रहं धृतर तिम्रन्थालये वै निजे । भर्ता गुर्जरनीवृतोऽखिन मनाविद्यादिरक्तः सदा
ख्यातो यश्च शियाजिराव वसुधाधीशो गुणैरुज्ज्वनैः ॥ गीतीच्छन्द ॥ तछिटो गोसाईनारायणभारतीति विख्यातः।
विद्वद्गोष्ट्या नंदीप्रज्ञो यस्वन्तभारतीशिष्यः ॥ आर्याच्छन्द ॥ संवद्विक्रमकालात्दोरणीवेदाङ्कचन्द्रसंख्याते ।
वर्षे च हेमलंबेत्याख्ये संवत्सरे चारौ॥ गीतीच्छन्द ।। मार्गे मापे कृष्ण पक्षे गुरुवासरे द्वितीयायां ।
लेखयति स्म ग्रन्थं बलु पत्तेणहिल्लाख्ये ॥ श्लोक संख्या १२४६।
(3) The manuscript Al belongs to the Central Library, Baroda Its No 15 343; its size 11"x6", leaves 65 ; lmes per page 11, syllables per line 32. Its brief colophon runs as follows:
इति त्रैलोक्यप्रकाशो नाम प्रन्यः समाप्तः । ग्रंथा० संख्या १२४० ॥६॥ शुभं भवतु । कल्याणमस्तु ॥ ६॥६॥ मिलित्वा श्लोकसंख्या चत्वारिशताधिकचतुर्दशप्रमाणं।
(4) A manuscript 'Bh' belongs to the Bhandarkar Research Institute, Poona, It offers a few variants from our basic mos But such variants as are given in footnotes call for our special attention and scrutiny. It places it improves indeed upon our text. It has been of considerable help specially in reconstitutirg the portion of the Arghakanda which is missing in the Ambala manuscript. At the end of the Trailok yaprakasa we have Meghamala.