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म्लेच्छो विस्तृत लग्न कनिकाल प्रभावत:
प्रभुप्रसादमासाथ जैने धर्मेऽवतिष्ठते ।। ६ ॥ On account of the effects of the Kalı Age the science of Lagna (Horoscope) spread among the Mlecches, but with Lord's grace, the same is still found among the Jains. Instead of अवतिष्ठते, some MSS read अवतार्यते which clearly refers to a borrowing of the sciece from the Mlecchas Probably the original reading was dat which was subsequently changed to अवतिष्ठते by some zealous copyist.
Prof. Ram Swarup has done well by giving a brief account of Taina Cosmology and Astrology for the benefit of such readers as are not acquainted with them. But he is silent about the Jaina school of Astrology. He does not say in what respects it differs, if it does so, from the Hindu School. This is a subject worth studying. Perhaps the Jains did not develop a separate system of Astrology. They took it at a later date in the form it was then current.
I avail of this opportunity to invite the attention of scholars to the importance of the Punjab Jain Bhindars. A preliminary catalogue of five of these Bhandars was prepared by the writer of these lines and published hy the University of the Panjab in 1939. The manuscript of the Trailokyaprakasa was first found in one of these Bhandars. There are several other works on Astrology and kindred sciences registered in the above catalogue and some of them might be worth publishing. I am sure that many more works of great value will be discovered among thes? bhandars if a thorough search 18 made. Some of the Pujyas of the Punjab were great scholars and must have written on these subjects. Their manuscript collections are preserved in these bhandars.
For the benefit of those who are not familiar with Sanskrit Prof. Ram Swarup has added a Hindi translation to the text But an index of subjects is sorely missing. A full index of subject matter world have greatly enhanced the value of the work. JAIN VIDYA BHAVAN.) 6, Nehru Street,
BANARSI DAS JAIN. Krishan Nagar, Lahore.
January 12, 1946. Cf sfoarafe v.
ons are preserved in these subjects. There great scho