As long as the breath is restrained in the body, the mind is devoid of thought and the gaze is centred between the eyebrows, why should there be fear of death? (2:40) By systematically restraining the prana (breath), the nadis and chakras are purified. Thus the prana bursts open the doorway to sushumna and easily enters it.
The breath (prana), moving in the middle passage, makes the mind still. This steadiness of mind is itself called the state of manomani (devoid of thought).
(2:42) By practising the various kumbhakas, wondrous perfections are obtained. Those who are the knowers, practise the various kumbhakas to accomplish them. (2:43) The eight kumbhakas are surya bheda, ujjayi, sheetkari, sheetali, bhastrika, bhramari, moorchha and plavini. (2:44) At the end of inhalation, jalandhara bandha is done. At the end of kumbhaka and beginning of exhalation, uddiyana bandha is done.
Contracting the perineum and the throat, and drawing the abdomen upwards, prana flows into brahma nadi.
(2:46) Raising apana upward, and bringing prana down from the throat, the yogi becomes free from old age and appears as if sixteen years of age.
(2:47) Sitting comfortably, the yogi should become fixed in his posture and slowly breathe the air in through the right nostril.
(2:48) Retention should then be held until the breath diffuses to the roots of the hair and the tips of the nails. Then slowly exhale through the left nostril.
Surya bheda is excellent for purifying the cranium, destroying imbalances of the wind dosha, and eliminates worms. It should be done again and again. (2:50)