Just as lions, elephants and tigers are gradually controlled, so the prana is controlled through practice. Otherwise, the practitioner is destroyed.
(2:15) By proper practise of pranayama, all diseases are eradicated. Through improper practise, all diseases can arise.
(2:16) Hiccup, asthma, cough, headache, ear and eye pain, and various other diseases are due to disturbances of the vital air.
(2:17) The vayu should be skilfully inhaled, exhaled and retained so that perfection or siddhi is attained.
When the nadis are purified, there are external symptoms. Success is definite when the body becomes thin and glows.
When one is able to hold the vayu according to one's will, the digestive power increases. With the nadis being purified, the inner sound or nada thus awakens and one is free from disease.
When fat or mucus is excessive, the shatkarmas or six cleansing techniques should be practised before (pranayama). Others in whom the doshas, i.e. phlegm, wind and bile, are balanced, should not do them. (2:21) Perform exhalation and inhalation rapidly like the bellows (of a blacksmith). This is called kapalbhati and it destroys all mucus disorders.
According to some teachers, pranayama alone removes impurities, and therefore they hold pranayama in esteem, and not the other techniques.
Even Brahma and other gods in heaven devote themselves to practising pranayama because it ends the fear of death. Thus it (pranayama) must be practised.