subtler states of awareness. The different systems of yoga, especially hatha and kriya yoga, systematically purify, rebalance and awaken the chakras individually and also as a whole. When the chakras are properly prepared by such practices, the pranic level is higher and more stable, and there is little difficulty in awakening and experiencing the transmission of prana.
Mooladhara chakra Mooladhara is the root chakra and the seat of primal energy, kundalini shakti. In philosophical terms the concept of mooladhara is understood as moola prakriti, the transcendental basis of physical nature. All the objects and forms in this universe must have some basis from which they evolve and to which they return after dissolution. This basis is called moola prakriti, the original source of all evolution. Mooladhara, as moola prakriti, is therefore responsible for everything that manifests in the world of name and form.
In pranic science, mooladhara is the generating station for prana. The awakening of prana starts from mooladhara and ascends the spinal cord via the pingala nadi. Pingala is merely the channel; the energy comes from mooladhara. This centre is also the direct switch for awakening ajna chakra. Without the awakening of prana in mooladhara, there can be no corresponding awakening in ajna. Hence, the relationship between mooladhara and ajna is very important. Mooladhara is the generator and ajna is the distributor.
The location of mooladhara in men is at the perineum, midway between the genital organ and the anus, and about two centimetres inside. In women, it is located at the posterior side of the cervix, midway between the vagina and the uterus Mooladhara is also the location of brahma granthi, the knot of Brahma. As long as this knot remains intact, the energy located in this area is blocked. Prana shakti awakens the moment this knot is undone. Infinite energy and spiritual experience emanate from mooladhara.
Mooladhara is associated with annamaya kosha and the earth element. In psychological terms mooladhara is