Chakras: Energy Vortices
The pranic body is fuelled by the chakras, or psychic
centres, which are subtle, high-powered vortices of energy in the body. They receive and store the cosmic prana, and act as transformers to step down the level of energy, so that it can be used by the different organs and parts of the body. They also act as switches for illumining the higher faculties and dimensions of consciousness. The chakras have been discovered by yogis, rishis and sages of various traditions in India and throughout the world. They have been seen, not by physical dissection of the body, but by psychic introspection. From the knowledge of these centres, the great science of kundalini yoga has developed, which is concerned with awakening the chakras.
The six main chakras located along the spinal column are: mooladhara, swadhisthana, manipura, anahata, vishuddhi and ajna. Although these centres are situated in the subtle body, they correspond to the nerve plexuses in the gross body. Beyond the six are two other centres of awakening: bindu and sahasrara, whose perception is acquired only at significantly evolved states of consciousness.
Each chakra vibrates at a particular rate and velocity. The chakras at the lowest point of the energy circuit operate at a lower frequency. They are grosser and create grosser states of awareness. Chakras at the top of the circuit operate at a higher frequency and are responsible for higher intelligence and