Maintain awareness in this region, perform 5 contractions, then exhale. At first practise short contractions and as control improves
increase the duration of the contraction. Contra-indications: As forjalandhara bandha. This practice
should only be performed under experienced guidance, as it raises the energies very fast and can precipitate symptoms of hyperactivity if wrongly prescribed. Do not
practise during menstruation. Benefits: Moola bandha bestows many physical, mental and
spiritual benefits. It stimulates the pelvic nerves and tones the uro-genital and excretory systems. It is a means to
attain sexual control and alleviate many sexual disorders. Practice note: Moola bandha is the contraction of certain
muscles only in the pelvic floor. Initially, the anal and urinary sphincters will also contract, but as greater awareness and control is developed this should be minimized and eventually cease so that moola bandha can be isolated and performed without contraction of these areas. Moola bandha can also be performed during external retention.
Maha Bandha (the great lock) Maha bandha is a powerful combination of all three bandhas, jalandhara, uddiyana and moola, performed during external breath retention. This practice concentrates the pranas internally and increases the level of energy during periods of inner awareness.