Allow the breath to return to normal before commencing
the next round. Contra-indications: People suffering from heart problems,
stomach or intestinal ulcer, ulcers, hernia, colitis, diaphragmatic hernia, major abdominal problems, high blood pressure, glaucoma and raised intracranial pressure should not perform this practice. It should also be avoided by pregnant women, though after childbirth it is useful
for re-toning the abdominal and uterine muscles. Benefits: All the abdominal organs are toned, massaged and
strengthened. It stimulates the function of the pancreas and liver and strengthens the internal organs. The digestive fire is stimulated and the adrenal glands are balanced, removing lethargy and soothing anxiety and tension. It also improves blood circulation throughout the torso. Uddiyana bandha stimulates the solar plexus, which has many subtle influences on the distribution of energy throughout the body. It creates a suction pressure which reverses the energy flow of apana and prana, uniting
them with samana and stimulating manipura chakra. Practice note: Uddiyana should be practised on an empty
stomach and with empty bowels. It is practised with external breath retention only.
Moola Bandha (perineal contraction)
Sit in siddhasana or siddha yoni asana so that pressure is applied to the perineal/vaginal region. The area to be contracted is the physical location of mooladhara chakra. For men this is located in the perineum, between the anus and the sexual organ. For women, the trigger-point is located behind the cervix where the uterus and vagina meet. Close the eyes and relax the whole body. Inhale deeply, retain the breath inside and contract the perineal/vaginal muscles as tightly as possible, without strain.