Become completely absorbed in the practice to the exclusion of all other thoughts. After a few seconds close the eyes and relax them before
repeating the practice. Continue for up to 5 minutes, Contra-indications: As for shambhavi mudra. Those suffering
from depression should avoid this introverting practice. Benefits: This practice calms anger and disturbed states of
mind. The powers of concentration are developed. If performed with awareness for a long period, it helps to
awaken mooladhara chakra and induce meditative states. Practice note: Nasikagra drishti should be practised with
normal breathing in the beginning until the eyes have adjusted to the downward gaze. Later the practice can be combined with antar kumbhaka (inner retention, but not with bahir kumbhaka (external retention).
Unmani Mudra (attitude of mindlessness) The word unmani literally means 'no mind' or 'not thinking' The state of unmani arises during meditation. Unmani implies that state which is beyond thought, a state where all attachment to the world of objects is dispelled. In this state, the awareness functions without the hindrance of conflicting thoughts and analysis. This state is helpful in certain pranayama, meditation and kriya practices.
Sit in any comfortable meditation asana. The eyes are wide open but relaxed. Inhale slowly and deeply. Hold the breath inside. Focus the awareness at bindu in the back of the head for a few seconds. Exhale slowly, allowing the awareness to descend with the breath from bindu through the chakras in the spine: ajna, vishuddhi, anahata, manipura, swadhisthana, mooladhara. The eyes should slowly close as the awareness descends. By the time the awareness reaches mooladhara, the eyes should be fully closed.