When the tongue becomes tired, release and relax it, then repeat the practice. With practice, the tongue will automatically ascend into the soft palate to stimulate many vital nerve centres in the
brain. Precaution: Discontinue this mudra if a bitter secretion is
tasted. Such a secretion is a sign of toxins in the system. Benefits: Khechari mudra stimulates a number of pressure
points located in the back of the mouth and the nasal cavity. These points influence the whole body. A number of glands are also massaged, stimulating the secretion of certain hormones and of saliva. This practice reduces the sensations of hunger and thirst, and induces a state of inner calm and stillness. It preserves the vitality of the body and is especially beneficial for inner healing. Ultimately this mudra has the potential to stimulate prana and awaken kundalini shakti.
Shambhavi Mudra or Bhrumadhya Drishti (eyebrow centres
gazing) Sit in any comfortable meditation pose. Keep the head and spine upright and straight. Place the hands on the knees in either chin or jnana mudra. Close the eyes and relax the whole body. Relax all the muscles of the face, including the forehead, the eyes and behind the eyes. Slowly open the eyes and look forward at a fixed point, keeping the head and the whole body absolutely still. Next, look upward and inward, focusing the eyes at the eyebrow centre. When performed correctly, the curve of the eyebrows will form a V-shaped image with the apex at the eyebrow centre.