Note; The five different kinds of prana vayu are represented and
invoked by hand mudras. When performing these mudras, it does not mean that you will automatically feel that particular vayu surging through its normally specified location in the body, but on a subtle or pranic level this particular energy will be stimulated. While dealing with prana and its subtleties, one should have knowledge of these mudras, until finally a deeper awareness dawns of the vital energies, and of those same energies pervading the cosmos.
Shanmukhi Mudra (closing the seven gates)
Sit in any comfortable meditative asana, preferably padmasana or siddha/siddha yoni asana. Hold the head and spine straight. Close the eyes and place the hands on the knees. Relax the whole body. Raise the arms in front of the face with the elbows pointing sideways. Close the ears with the thumbs, the eyes with the index fingers, the nostrils with the middle fingers, and the mouth by placing the ring fingers above and little fingers below the lips. Release the pressure of the middle fingers and open the nostrils. Inhale slowly and deeply, using full yogic breathing. At the end of inhalation, close the nostrils with the middle fingers.