on your complete breath. In this way, experiment, but remember that sensitivity will grow only with regular practice.
Bhairava and Bhairavi Mudra (fierce or terrifying attitude)
Assume a meditation asana. Relax into the posture. One hand is placed on top of the other, both with their palms facing upward. Both hands rest in the lap. When the right hand is placed on top of the left, it is called bhairava mudra. When the left hand is placed on top of the right, it is
bhairavi mudra. Practice note: These mudras may be adopted during any
pranayama or meditation practice, where nasikagra mudra is not being used.
Note: Bhairava is a terrifying form of Shiva. Bhairavi is his
consort or Shakti, that is, the power that manifests this particular aspect of existence.
Prana Vayu Mudras (vital air gestures) and the elements It is interesting to note how many ways the five common elements of earth, water, fire, air, ether and space are not only macrocosmically but also microcosmically represented. These pancha bhutas (five elements) govern or dominate specific parts of the body and are also symbolized in each finger. This has significance when performing hand mudras, as different elements are symbolically joining together. The thumb represents fire; the index finger, air; the middle finger, ether; the ring finger, earth; and the little finger, water, although there is some variation in the classical texts.