Siddha Yoni Asana (accomplished pose for women)
Sit with the legs extended in front of the body. Bend the right leg and place the sole of the foot flat against the inner left thigh. Place the heel firmly against or just inside the labia majora of the vagina. Adjust the body position so that it is comfortable, while simultaneously feeling the pressure of the right heel. Bend the left leg and place the left heel directly on top of the right heel so it presses the clitoris; then wedge the left toes down into the space between the right calf and thigh. Pull the right toes up into the space between the calf and thigh and the left toes down into the space on the right side. Make the spine fully erect and straight as though it were planted solidly in the earth. Place the hands on the knees in chin, jnana or chinmaya
mudra. This can be practised with either leg uppermost. Contra-indications: As for siddhasana. Benefits: The benefits are the same as for siddhasana. It has
a direct effect on the nerve plexus concerned with the female reproductive system, and gives some control over the neuro-psychic impulses, necessary for productive pranayama and dhyana. It is one of the best poses for