Make the spine steady, straight and erect as though it were planted in the ground. Place the hands on the knees in chin orjnana mudra.
Relax the arms with the elbows slightly bent. Contra-indications: Siddhasana should not be practised by
those with sciatica or sacral infections. Benefits: This is not only a pose of physical steadiness but for mental steadiness also. It has a calming effect on the entire nervous system. The spine can maintain its straightness which is necessary for productive pranayama over longer periods. More blood and prana is directed upwards and the pressure on the perineal body activates a partial moola bandha and vajroli mudra, which redirects sexual nervous impulses back up the spinal cord to the brain. It is considered by some to be the best posture for dhyana and
pranayama. Practice note: Siddhasana can be practised with either leg
uppermost. This technique can also be used for long periods of time, especially with a cushion placed beneath the buttocks, for the same reason as for padmasana.