While exhaling, descend in the spinal column from ajna to mooladhara chakra with the mantra Om.
Practise for 5-10 minutes. Contra-indications: Those who are introverted or depressed
should avoid this technique.
Technique 4: with shanmukhi mudra
All techniques of bhramari may be performed with shanmukhi mudra (see Appendix C). In technique 1, allow the nostrils to remain open while performing shanmukhi mudra. In technique 2, close the nostrils during internal retention with the middle fingers of each hand while performing shanmukhi mudra. Concentrate on the subtle sound vibrations in the centre of the head and any images appearing in front of the closed eyes.
Moorchha Pranayama (swooning or fainting breath) Moorchha means 'fainting' or 'swooning'. This pranayama is intended to arouse the feeling of unconsciousness and is best learned under expert guidance. Moorchha also means to expand, pervade and congeal. It expands the consciousness, awakens bindu chakra and helps in storing prana.
Sit in any comfortable meditation asana. Keep the head and spine straight. Relax the whole body. Observe the breath until it becomes slow and deep. Perform khechari mudra. Slowly inhaling through both nostrils with ujjayi pranayama, gently and smoothly bend the head slightly back. Retain the breath inside and perform shambhavi mudra. Straighten the arms by locking the elbows and pressing the knees with the hands. Retain the breath and shambhavi for as long as is comfortable.