Technique 2: with antar kumbhaka (inner retention)
Inhale slowly and deeply through the nose.
Retain the breath inside with awareness at ajna or bindu. The exhalation should be as long as is comfortable to enhance the mind's absorption in the humming sound. Practice note: Inner retention should be gradually increased as it helps in developing introversion and concentration. Avoid strain when performing kumbhaka; one or two seconds is sufficient at first. The duration may be increased gradually, as the technique is mastered. People with heart disease must practise without breath retention.
Technique 3: with jalandhara and moola bandhas
Once antar kumbhaka has been mastered, jalandhara and moola bandhas may be incorporated. For details of these practices refer to Appendix D.
The full form ofjalandhara can be practised if the hands are returned to the knees between rounds. If the hands remain raised the simple variation ofjalandhara may be practised.
Inhale for a long, smooth breath and retain the breath. inside.
Practise jalandhara and then moola bandha during internal retention for a comfortable duration.
Release moola bandha and then jalandhara bandha. Exhale with the humming sound, as in technique 1. This is one round.
Gradually build up the number of rounds. Ujjayi may be practised during inhalation.
Technique 4: with Pranava in the spinal passage
Bhramari may be practised with the mantra Om during exhalation, instead of the humming sound. The pronunciation of the 'O' sound is very short and the 'Mmmmm' sound is long.
Inhale with ujjayi, ascending the spinal passage from mooladhara to ajna chakra.