Technique 2
Resume the practice with the ratio of 1:1:1:1. Mentally imagine a square. Feel that the inhalation is ascending the left side of the square. On internal retention the awareness travels across the top of the square from left to right. While exhaling, descend the right side of the square. On external retention, take the awareness across the bottom of the square from right to left. This is one round. Practise 11 rounds and gradually increase to 21 rounds. When 21 rounds can be completed without exhaustion, slowly increase the count of the ratio by one until the
count of 10:10:10:10 is reached. Practice note: The techniques described above should not
involve any strain. If the practitioner feels shortness of breath, dizziness or fainting, he should stop the practice and consult a yoga teacher. The breath should not become over-extended at any stage of the practices. The need to take extra breaths during or at the end of the round indicates that the practitioner is over-extending his capacity and should go back to a previous stage that feels more comfortable. The breathing capacity extends slowly with practice. The ratio should be increased weekly or monthly, giving the lungs and muscles time to adapt to each stage. The practitioner should not proceed to a further stage until he can perform the present stage comfortably.