without normal breathing in between. Practise 11 rounds and slowly increase to 21 rounds. When the ratio of 4:4:8 becomes comfortable, the count of inner retention can be increased slowly to the count of 8. Then practice with the ratio of 4:8:8.
Samavritti Pranayama (equalizing breath) The word sama means 'equal', 'even' or 'perfect'; vritti literally means 'movement' or 'action'. In samavritti pranayama the respiration is divided into four equal parts. The inhalation, internal retention, exhalation and external retention are of equal duration, making the ratio 1:1:1:1. This practice produces an even and rhythmic flow of breath. However, external retention is difficult to master. The practitioner should be aware of any internal signals arising during the practice, and release any tension forming in the body or mind before continuing the next round. The mastery of samavritti pranayama enables one to undertake the classical pranayama practices.
Sit in a comfortable position and relax the body and mind. Become aware of the natural breath and its spontaneous rhythm. Commence yogic breathing. Count to 4 on inhalation, count to 4 on internal retention and to 4 for exhalation. Continue in this way for a few minutes. Now, after exhalation, hold the breath outside for the count of 4. Take several normal breaths in between each round. When the feeling of breathlessness or gasping for
sides after external retention, dispense with the normal respiration in between rounds. Practise 11 rounds.