Technique 3: synchronizing the breath and heart rhythm
Sit in a comfortable asana or lie in shavasana. Practise body awareness for a few minutes, allowing the body and breath to stabilize. Become aware of the breath and heartbeat, and observe these two rhythms for a few minutes. Focus the attention on the heartbeat. If the heartbeat is difficult to locate, feel the pulse at one wrist. Commence yogic breathing, counting 4 heartbeats for every inhalation and exhalation. This ratio of four to one is the normal heartbeat to breath ratio. If you are sensitive, you may be able to detect a change in the heart rate between inhalation and exhalation; the heart beats more slowly during exhalation. You may also perceive a general slowing down of the heart rate as relaxation is induced by the rhythmic breathing. A slower heartbeat means that the breath becomes even slower. Continue to observe this relationship for five minutes. After completing the practice, open your eyes and release the asana.
Technique 4: extending breath duration (1:1 ratio)
Assume a comfortable asana or lie in shavasana. Practise kaya sthairyam for a few minutes, becoming steady in the posture. Let the breath become regular and even. Begin to practise abdominal breathing, inhaling for the count of 4 and exhaling for the count of 4. Continue this for a few minutes longer. Now increase the count, inhaling to the count of 5 and exhaling to the count of 5. Maintain abdominal breathing. As this ratio becomes comfortable, increase the duration of inhalation to the count of 6 and exhalation to the count of 6. Continue breathing through the abdomen only. As each ratio becomes stabilized, increase the inhalation