inhalation is longer than the exhalation. Increase the awareness of each breath. Be aware of how rhythmic or arrhythmic the natural breathing pattern is. With this knowledge you will be able to establish a regular pattern. Commence deep abdominal breathing. Inhale to the count of 4 and exhale to the count of 4. You may also count by mentally chanting the mantra Om 4 times on inhalation and 4 times on exhalation. Relax the throat so that the breath flows freely through the respiratory passage. Let the breath be smooth, even and regular. Continue the practice for 5 minutes. Return to normal breathing. Become aware of your body and surroundings, and slowly open your eyes.
Technique 2: with yogic breathing
Sit in a comfortable asana with the head and spine erect or lie in shavasana. Practise body awareness for a few minutes, allowing the breath to become steady. Be aware of the natural flow of the breath. Commence yogic breathing. Inhale first from the abdomen then expand the cavity of the chest, filling the lungs. Exhale in the reverse order. The breathing should be relaxed and comfortable, without strain. Count the time it takes to complete one inhalation. Then exhale for the same duration as the inhalation. You may also count by mentally repeating the mantra Om. Be aware of the duration of each breath. Let the air flow freely through the throat. Do not use excessive force. Continue the practice for 5 minutes. After completing the practice, return to normal breathing. Become aware of your body and surroundings, and slowly open your eyes.