Do 5 rounds during the first week and increase one round every week.
This technique was recommended by Swami Sivananda:
"Standing erect, arms flowing open, chest wide, raise yourself gradually upon your toes, inhaling continuously and deeply all the time. Fill your chest with pure air. Then gradually exhale and slowly bring down your heels and your arms."
Viloma Pranayama (reverse breath)
In viloma pranayama the breathing is interrupted throughout inhalation and/or exhalation. In normal breathing, inhalation and exhalation flow smoothly and evenly. Viloma, meaning opposite, here indicates interruption of the natural flow of breath. This practice develops control over the breath flow and is an easy method of extending the breath duration. It may be used as a preparation for nadi shodhana and bhastrika.
Lungs full
Technique 1
Lungs empty
Lungs empty
Technique : interruption of inhalation
Lie down in shavasana or sit in any comfortable posture. Relax the whole body and practise breath awareness for a few minutes.
Practice slow, deep breathing with awareness of each inhalation and exhalation. Let the breathing become stabilized.
Begin inhalation with a series of short pauses: inhalepause, inhale-pause, inhale-pause. Continue in this way until the lungs are full.