Deep breathing practice This practice should be performed for a few minutes daily in the fresh air of early morning. Each deep breath consists of a full inhalation and a long steady exhalation through the nose. The breath should be inhaled and exhaled slowly to full capacity. During inhalation, observe the following guidelines: • Take the standing position with the hands on the hips.
The elbows should point outward to the side, and not backward. Lengthen the chest upwards. Press the hip bones downward with the hands. This will form a vacuum, allowing the air to rush into the lungs of its own accord. Keep the nostrils wide open, but do not use the nose as a suction pump. The nose should be a passage for the
inhalation. • No sound should be produced during inhalation. Correct
breathing is soundless. Stretch the chest upward without arching the back. Lift the shoulders up, but do not force them back. Keep the
head straight. • Keep the abdomen relaxed; do not draw it inwards. During exhalation, observe the following:
Allow the ribs and upper trunk to sink down gradually. Draw the abdomen upwards slowly. Keep the head, neck and trunk in a straight line. Do not arch the back or bend forward. Contract the chest and exhale slowly through the nose without producing any sound. Expiration takes place by relaxing the respiratory muscles. The chest lowers by
itself as the air is expelled. • Do not retain the breath after inhalation. When inhalation
is complete, begin exhalation at once. When one round of three deep breaths is over, take a few normal breaths and then start the second round. During the pause, stand still in a comfortable position with the hands on the hips.