Mechanics of breathing
Sit in a comfortable position and practise kaya sthairyam for a few minutes. Alternatively you may lie in shavasana and relax the whole body. Become aware of the natural breathing process without altering the breath in any way. Be totally aware of the spontaneous and rhythmic flow of the breath. Now, focus the awareness on the breath in the nostrils. Be aware that you are breathing through the nostrils. Feel the breath entering the nostrils and flowing up the nasal passages. The breath feels cool as it enters the nostrils upon inhalation, and warm as it flows out of the nostrils upon exhalation. Continue observing this process as a detached witness. Now feel the passage of air in the throat behind the nostrils. Be aware of the sensation created by this movement of the breath. Feel the breath at the back of the mouth. Feel the breath flowing down and up the throat passage. Feel the air passing down the throat as you inhale and up the throat as you exhale. Next, focus the awareness at the chest. Be aware of the lungs expanding with each inhalation and contracting with each exhalation. As you inhale, feel the oxygenated breath flowing into the lungs and becoming absorbed. As you exhale, feel the carbon dioxide being gathered up and expelled by the lungs. Be aware of the expansion and contraction of the ribcage with each breath. Do not force these movements; let the entire process be spontaneous. Bring your awareness down to the diaphragm, a sheet of muscle separating the lungs from the abdominal organs. Become aware of the movement of the diaphragm. Feel it