Be aware now of each and every breath. Do not interfere with the natural rhythm of your breathing; simply witness each respiration. Become increasingly conscious of the breath; let yourself relax into its continual, smooth ebb and flow. Come closer to the breath and observe how it is flowing. Is the breath fast or slow, shallow or deep, regular or irregular? Is there any gap in between breaths? Are you sometimes gasping for breath? Do not modify or control the breath in any way. Just observe each breath as a silent witness and make a mental note of how you are breathing. Keep your awareness on each and every inhalation and exhalation, without missing a single breath. Say to yourself mentally, "I am aware that I am breathing in; I am aware that I am breathing out." Continue in this way. Now count your breath backwards from 27 to zero. Mentally say, "I am aware that I am breathing in; I am aware that I am breathing out, 27. I am aware that I am breathing in; I am aware that I am breathing out, 26," and so on. Continue counting in this manner until you reach zero. If you lose count at any point begin again from 27. The object is not to reach zero, but to keep your awareness fixed on every breath. Each number must register in your conscious awareness. Awareness of the breath enables you to relax, but when you lose this awareness there is tension. So count without losing awareness and without making any mistakes. When you reach zero, end the practice. Leave the awareness of the breath and become aware of the body. Gradually extrovert the awareness and slowly open the eyes.