emotions mature before they can be handled. Therefore, in India, children from the age of seven or eight begin the practice of pranayama in order to maintain the activity of the pineal gland for a longer period, so that the transition from childhood to adulthood is smooth.
Nervous system: The brain, spinal cord, cranial and spinal nerves benefit from a richer and more liberal blood supply received through pranayama. In addition, the actions of the diaphragm and the abdominal muscles during extended inhalation pull up the lower part of the spinal column. If jalandhara bandha is integrated into the pranayama practice, the upper part of the spinal column is also pulled up. The pulling up of the vertebral column as a whole tones the roots of the spinal nerves and gives a strong peripheral stimulus to the whole nervous system. If pranayama is combined with all the three bandhas, the high intra-thoracic, intra-pulmonary and intra-abdominal pressures gives peripheral stimulus to the different nerve plexuses situated in the abdomen and thorax.
Respiration also controls fluctuating moods, which are subtle behaviours of the mind. The neuronic memory of the brain influences the projection of moods. However, the neurons fire more rhythmically and the electrical interactions between the different brain centres become more regulated when one breathes slowly and deeply in a systematic and coordinated manner. The wild fluctuations of the brain waves are streamlined and there is a balance between the two hemispheres of the brain. This is seen on the EEG as emissions of longer alpha waves and reduction of beta waves. The alpha waves bring harmony to the brain as well as the coronary, respiratory and circulatory systems. People suffering from high blood pressure are benefited by influencing the alpha wave behaviour of the brain.
Pranayama is also practised to bring the mind under control, and for this purpose the round is usually begun from the left nostril, which represents ida nadi or the mental energy. In contrast, the rotation of awareness in yoga nidra is begun