oxygen to the brain and body tissues. However, the effect of relaxation is nullified by further lengthening the exhalation, for example, breathing with the ratio of 1:4, because the brain accelerates the heart rate in reaction to a decreased supply of oxygen in the blood.
During the practices of pranayama, the muscles of the heart are also gently massaged, allowing for good circulation. In bhastrika and kapalbhati, vibrations spread to the entire circulatory system, including the veins, arteries and capillaries, making them function more efficiently.
Pranayama gives proper training to the coronary behaviour and this has another connotation for the spiritual aspirant. When the practitioner enters the state of meditation having practised pranayama, there is no stress on the heart, and the body is able to withstand the higher states of consciousness without any adverse effect.
Endocrine system: The endocrine glands influence the behaviour, reactions, interpretations, and even the so-called natural responses. Pranayama harmonizes, purifies and neutralizes the secretions of these glands and thereby influences thought and behaviour. The overall health of the endocrine system is largely dependent on the quality of the blood and its distribution to the glands. During pranayama, especially the vitalizing practices, the circulation of the blood becomes very rapid and the quality of the blood is also rendered very rich. The richer and more liberal blood supply brought to the endocrine glands enhances their functionality and the regulated breathing helps to balance the system.
The effects of pranayama on the endocrine system are most striking in relation to the pineal gland. This mysterious gland, located behind the third ventricle of the brain in the region of the ajna chakra, normally begins to decay with the onset of puberty. The pineal gland acts as a check for the pituitary gland, which is responsible for controlling the growth and functions of the other endocrine glands. If the pituitary gland is not regulated from an early age, an imbalance arises between the physical and mental development and the