Look towards the toes. Remain in the final position and hold the breath. Count to 5 mentally (or for longer if possible). Breathe out and return to the supine position. Be careful not to injure the back of the head while returning to the floor. Relax the whole body. This is one round. Practise 3 to 5 rounds. Relax in shavasana after each round, gently pushing out
the abdomen with inhalation to relax the stomach muscles. Breathing: Inhale before raising the body.
Retain the breath while raising, tensing and lowering the body.
Exhale in the base position. Awareness: On the breath, movement, mental counting and
tensing of the body (especially the abdominal muscles) in
the final position. Benefits: This asana stimulates the muscular, digestive, circu
latory, nervous and hormonal systems, tones all the organs and removes lethargy. It is especially useful for eliminating nervous tension and bringing about deep relaxation. It may be performed before shavasana in order to attain a deeper state of relaxation. If practised upon waking it
immediately restores freshness. Variation: Repeat the same process as above but clench the
fists and tense the whole body as much as possible in the raised position.