rocking forward. If it is difficult to perform with the hands clasped on the shins then hold the side of the thighs adjacent to the knees.
Practise 5 to 10 backward and forward movements. Breathing: Breathe normally throughout. Awareness: On the coordination of movement.
While relaxing in shavasana be aware of the effects of the
asana on the back and buttocks. Contra-indications: Not to be performed by persons with
serious back conditions. Benefits: This asana massages the back, buttocks and hips. It is
most useful if done first thing in the morning after waking. Practice note: Use a folded blanket for this practice so that
there is no possibility of causing damage to the spine. While rocking back, the head should remain forward. Be careful not to hit the head on the floor.
Practice 6: Supta Udarakarshanasana (sleeping abdominal
stretch pose) Lie in the base pose. Bend the knees and place the soles of both feet flat on the ground, directly in front of the buttocks. Keep the knees and feet together throughout the practice. Interlock the fingers of both hands and place the palms under the back of the head.