ingle Pose). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IT
00)................ 319
Samakonasana (rig Santolanasana (balancing pose). .... Saral Dhanurasana (easy bow pose). ...... . . . . .209 Sarpasana (snake pose). ................
202 Sarvangasana (shoulder stand pose). ...... Seetkari Pranayama (hissing breath). ...... Setu Asana (bridge pose). ................... Shakti Bandha Asanas, Pawanmuktasana Part 3. . . Shalabhasana (locust pose). .................... Shambhavi Mudra (eyebrow centre gazing). ...... Shankhaprakshalana (washing of the intestines). ..... Shanmukhi Mudra (closing the seven gates)... Shashank Bhujangasana (striking cobra pose)...... Shashankasana (pose of the moon or hare pose). : : : 123 Shava Udarakarshanasana (universal spinal twist). • : 57 Shavasana (corpse pose). .........................86 Sheetali Pranayama (cooling breath). ......... Sheetkrama Kapalbhati (mucus cleansing). ...... Shroni Chakra (hip rotation). ............ Siddha Yoni Asana
(accomplished pose for women). : ..... Siddhasana (accomplished pose for men). ...... Sideways viewing.
.....78 Simhagarjanasana (roaring lion pose). ....... Simhasana (lion pose). ........... Sirsha Angustha Yogasana (head to toe pose). ..... 244 Sirshapada Bhumi Sparshasana
(head and foot touching the ground pose). . . . . . 221 Sirshasana (headstand pose). .................
279 Skandha Chakra (shoulder socket rotation). . . . . . Sphinx asana Stambhan Asana (posture of retention).... Sthal Basti (dry yogic enema). ............ Sukhasana (easy pose). ..................
. . . . . 96 Supta Pawanmuktasana (leg lock pose). ............ 52 Supta Udarakarshanasana
(sleeping abdominal stretch pose). ..............55 Supta Vajrasana (sleeping thunderbolt pose). .. .. .. .133
:. 34
....... 507