Janu Sirshasana (head to knee pose). ............. 235 Janufalak Akarshan (kneecap contraction). .. ... ... 29 Jhulana Lurhakanasana (rocking and rolling). . . . . : 54 Jnana Mudra (psychic gesture of knowledge). . . . . . . 427 Jyestikasana (superior posture). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89
................. 440
... 508
Kaki Mudra (the crow's beak). ....... Kandharasana (shoulder pose). ..................214 Kapalbhati (frontal brain cleansing). . . . . . . . Kapalbhati Pranayama (frontal brain cleansing breath). .
... 398 Kapali Asana (forehead supported pose). ...... .... 288 Kashtha Takshanasana (chopping wood). . . .
...........66 Kashyapasana (Sage Kashyapa's pose). .....
357 Kati Chakrasana (waist rotating pose). ..... Kawa Chalasana (crow walking). ....... Kehuni Naman (elbow bending). .. Khechari Mudra (tongue lock). .................. 438 Koormasana (tortoise pose)....................
328 Kukkutasana (cockerel pose). ........
.190 Kumbhaka (breath retention).....
.364 Kunjal Kriya (the practice of vomiting water). . . . . . 495
.142 ....71
Laghoo Shankhaprakshalana (short intestinal wash).. 490 Lolasana (swinging pose). ........................189
Maha Bandha (the great lock). . . . . . . . . ...........419 Maha Bheda Mudra (the great separating attitude).. 465 Maha Mudra (great psychic attitude). . . . . . . . . . . . . .462 Maha Vedha Mudra (the great piercing attitude).... 467 Makarasana (crocodile pose). ......
....... 90 Manduki Mudra (gesture of the frog). . . . . . . . . . . . . .459 Manibandha Chakra (wrist joint rotation). . . . . . . . . . 39 Manibandha Naman (wrist bending). ..... Marjari-asana (cat stretch pose). ...........
.119 Matsya Kridasana (flapping fish pose). ...... ...... 91 Matsyasana (fish pose). .........
..184 Mayurasana (peacock pose)......................336
. 38