Thought is also a very subtle form of energy. When ajna chakra is awakened, it is possible to send and receive thought transmission through this centre. It is like a psychic doorway opening into deeper and higher realms of awareness. Stimulating ajna chakra develops all the faculties of the mind, such as intelligence, memory and concentration.
For concentration on ajna chakra, the point of bhrumadhya at the eyebrow centre is used. Visualise a tiny point of light or an om symbol at this centre and let the thoughts dwell on the inner guru.
Bindu visarga: At the top, back portion of the head, where the Hindu brahmins grow a small tuft of hair, is a point known as bindu. The word bindu means 'point' or 'drop' and visarga means 'to pour drop by drop'. This psychic centre is also known as soma chakra. Soma is the nectar of the gods and is also another name for the moon. Bindu visarga symbolised by a tiny crescent moon on a dark night. It is also associated with the production of semen.
Bindu is the centre of nada, and this centre is used for concentration on the psychic sounds which manifest there. In practices such as bhramari pranayama and shanmukhi mudra, concentration on bindu is used to develop the awareness of nada.
Sahasrara: Situated at the crown of the head is sahasrara. It is not really a chakra but the abode of highest consciousness. The word sahasrara means 'one thousand'. Sahasrara is visualised as a shining lotus of a thousand petals, containing the fifty-two beeja mantras of the Sanskrit alphabet twenty times over. In the centre of the lotus is a shining jyotirlinga, lingam of light, symbol of pure consciousness. It is in sahasrara that the mystical union of Shiva and Shakti takes place, the fusion of consciousness with matter and energy, the individual soul with the supreme soul. When kundalini awakens, it ascends through the chakras to sahasrara and merges into the source from whence it originated. Matter and energy merge into pure consciousness in a state of intoxicating bliss, the goal of yoga. Having attained this, the yogi gains supreme knowledge and passes beyond birth and death.