vishuddhi chakra. Here the dualities of life are accepted, allowing one to flow with life and let things happen as they will, without distinguishing between good and bad.
Vishuddhi chakra governs the vocal cords, the region of the larynx, and the thyroid and parathyroid glands. Disorders of this area of the physical body can be remedied by concentrating on this chakra. The throat centre is the place where the divine nectar called amrita, the mystical elixir of immortality, is tasted. This nectar is a kind of sweet secretion which is produced at bindu chakra and then falls down to vishuddhi where it is purified and processed for further use throughout the body.
For concentration on this centre, visualise a large white drop of nectar. Try to experience icy cold drops of sweet nectar falling down to vishuddhi, giving a feeling of blissful intoxication.
Ajna chakra: Situated in the midbrain, behind the eyebrow centre, at the top of the spine, is ajna chakra. This centre is also known by various names such as: the third eye; jnana chakshu, the eye of wisdom; triveni, the confluence of three rivers; guru chakra and the Eye of Shiva. The word ajna means 'command'. In deeper states of meditation the disciple receives commands and guidance from the guru, and from the divine or higher self, through this chakra.
Ajna chakra is depicted as a silver lotus with two petals which represent the sun and the moon or pingala, the positive force, and ida, the negative force. These two pranic flows which are responsible for the experience of duality, converge at this centre with sushumna, the spiritual force. In the centre of the lotus is the sacred beeja mantra om. The element of this chakra is manas, mind. This is the centre where wisdom and intuition develop. When ajna is awakened, the mind becomes steady and strong, and full control over prana is gained.
Ajna corresponds to the pineal gland which has almost atrophied in the adult human being. On the psychic plane this point is the bridge between the mental and psychic dimensions. Therefore, ajna chakra is responsible for supramental faculties such as clairvoyance, clairaudience and telepathy.