If dizziness occurs, open the eyes. After the practice, keep the neck straight and the eyes closed. Be aware of
the sensations in the head and neck. Breathing: Inhale as the head moves up.
Exhale as the head moves down. Awareness: On the breath, mental counting and movement. Contra-indications: These four neck movements should not
be performed by elderly people and those suffering from low blood pressure, very high blood pressure or extreme cervical spondylosis. The advice of an expert should be sought for any of these problems. Patients of cervical spondylosis should strictly avoid forward bending of the
neck. Benefits: All the nerves connecting the different organs and
limbs of the body pass through the neck. Therefore, the muscles of the neck and shoulders accumulate tension, especially after prolonged work at a desk. These asanas release tension, heaviness and stiffness in the head, neck and shoulder region.