Trataka (concentrated gazing)
Light the candle and place it on a small table so that the flame is exactly at eye level when sitting. Sit in any comfortable meditation asana with the head and spine erect. Adjust the position so that the candle is an arm's length away from the body. Close the eyes and relax the whole body, especially the eyes. Be aware of body steadiness for a few minutes. Keep the body absolutely still throughout the practice. Open the eyes and gaze steadily at the tip of the wick. The flame may flicker slightly but the tip of the wick will always remain steady. Try not to blink or move the eyeballs in any way. Do not strain as this will cause tension and the eyes will flicker. The awareness should be so completely centred on the wick that body awareness is lost. If the mind begins to wander, gently bring it back to the practice. After a minute or two, when the eyes become tired or begin to water, close them gently.