Practise in this way several times.
Dry the nostrils properly as described for jala neti. This completes the practice.
Technique 3: Sheetkrama Kapalbhati (mucus cleansing) Stand in the same way as for vyutkrama kapalbhati. Take a mouthful of the warm saline water. Instead of swallowing it, however, push it up and expel it through the nose.
Practise in this way several times.
Dry the nostrils as described for jala neti.
This completes the practice.
Time of practice: The best time is early in the morning.
However, vyutkrama and sheetkrama kapalbhati may be performed at any time of the day except after meals. Duration: Vyutkrama and sheetkrama kapalbhati should take only a few minutes each and may be performed as a daily routine.
Contra-indications: Those people who experience frequent nasal bleeding should not perform these practices. Benefits: Vyutkrama and sheetkrama kapalbhati remove mucus from the sinuses and help to relax the facial muscles and nerves. They rejuvenate tired cells and nerves, keeping the face young, shining and wrinkle-free. Other effects, both physical and spiritual, are the same as for jala neti but intensified.
Practice note: Before attempting vyutkrama and sheetkrama kapalbhati, the practitioner should be proficient in the practice of jala neti.
Note: The word kapal means 'cranium', 'forehead' or 'frontal lobe of the brain'. Bhati means 'light'or 'splendour'and also 'perception' or 'knowledge'.