Drink two more glasses of warm salty water and again repeat the five asanas eight times each. Repeat this process a third time. After the third round, go to the toilet and see if there is any movement in the bowels, if they have not yet been emptied. Do not strain. After a few minutes or so, come out, regardless of whether there has been any movement or not; it is not essential at this point. Drink two more glasses and repeat the five asanas eight times. Again go to the toilet, but do not use force to produce a bowel movement. Continue drinking the water, performing the asanas and going to the toilet when the pressure builds up. Spend as little time in the toilet as possible, a minute or so is enough. The aim is to build up the internal cleansing pressure. At first solid stool will be evacuated followed by a mixture of stool and water. As the practice progresses more water and less solid stool will be excreted. Eventually cloudy yellow water and, finally, almost clear water will be evacuated. Sixteen glasses are generally required before perfectly clean water is evacuated, but it varies from person to person. The speed at which one completes the practice should not be compared with that of others. This stage of the practice should be performed in a relaxed
way at one's own pace. Supplementary practices: Kunjal kriya followed by jala neti should
be performed 10 minutes after completing the internal
wash. Once these have been performed, then rest. Rest Total rest is essential.
Lie down in shavasana for 45 minutes, but do not sleep as a headache or cold may result. It is important to keep warm during this resting period. Try to maintain mouna, silence.