Technique I: Shankhaprakshalana or Varisara Dhauti
(washing of the intestines) Preparation: It is advisable to take a light, semi-liquid meal the
night before undertaking this practice. Plenty of clean, lukewarm water should be available and also extra hot water in case the temperature of the water falls below body temperature. Add 2 teaspoons of salt per litre to the water, so that it tastes mildly salty. It is necessary for a special food of good quality white rice and pulse, preferably mung dal, cooked with ghee, clarified butter, to be prepared. This preparation is called khicheri. The rice and lentils should be cooked together in water until soft. A little haldi, turmeric, may be added, but no salt. Finally, the clarified butter should be liberally mixed in so that the final preparation is semi-liquid. It is better that a friend or helper who is not doing the practice prepares the khicheri which is to be eaten after the 45 minute rest period and again later in the day. No asana or physical work should be performed before commencing and no food or beverages should be taken. If the bowels are not evacuated prior to the practice it helps stimulate the peristaltic movement.
Light and comfortable clothing should be worn. Complete intestinal wash: Drink two glasses of warm salty water
as quickly as possible. Perform the following five asanas dynamically, eight times each in the correct sequence (see the section Asana). a) Tadasana b) Tiryaka tadasana c) Kati chakrasana d) Tiryaka bhujangasana e) Udarakarshanasana. This is one complete round. Do not rest between rounds.