Maha Vedha Mudra (the great piercing attitude)
Sit in padmasana. Relax the body and close the eyes. Place the palms of the hands on the floor beside the thighs with the fingers pointing forward or make fists with the knuckles facing down. The arms should be straight but relaxed. Inhale slowly and deeply through the nose. Retain the breath inside and perform the kriya variation of jalandhara bandha. Raise the body by placing all the weight on the hands and straightening the arms. Gently beat the buttocks on the ground 3 times, keeping the awareness at mooladhara chakra. The spine must be kept straight and jalandhara bandha maintained. The buttocks and the back of the thighs should touch the ground simultaneously. Rest the buttocks on the floor, release jalandhara bandha and exhale slowly and deeply. This is one round. When the breathing returns to normal, inhale and repeat the process.