Benefits: The nose is related with mooladhara chakra through
the sense of smell. This practice affects the brain centres related to man's most deep rooted instincts and drives. It calms the disturbances and fluctuations of the mind and balances ida and pingala nadis. Perfection of this practice
leads directly to meditation. Practice note: Manduki mudra is an advanced variation of
nasikagra drishti. It awakens mooladhara chakra. It should be performed in mild light so that the tip of the nose can
be seen. Note: The word manduki means 'frog'. This mudra is so named
because the sitting posture resembles a frog at rest. Manduki mudra is also practised as a kriya.
Tadagi Mudra (barrelled abdomen technique)
Sit with the legs stretched out in front of the body and the feet slightly apart. The legs should remain straight throughout the practice. Place the hands on the knees, keeping the head and spine straight. Close the eyes and relax the whole body, especially the abdominal area.