Manduki Mudra (gesture of the frog)
Sit in bhadrasana with the toes pointing outward (see chapter Vajrasana Group of Asanas). If it is not comfortable to sit with the toes pointing outward, sit in bhadrasana with the toes pointing inwards. The buttocks should rest on the floor. If this is still too difficult, place a folded blanket underneath the buttocks to apply firm pressure to the perineum, stimulating the region of mooladhara chakra. Place the hands on the knees, hold the spine and head straight. Close the eyes and relax the whole body. This is manduki asana. After some time, open the eyes and perform nasikagra drishti. If the eyes become tired relax them for a minute or so. Continue the practice for 5 minutes until the mind and
senses become introverted. Breathing: Breathing should be slow and rhythmic. Awareness: On the nosetip. Contra-indications: As for shambhavi mudra.