Eka Pada Sirasana (one foot to head pose)
Sit with the legs outstretched in front of the body. Bend the right knee, turning it slightly out to the side. Bring the right arm under the calf muscle and hold the outside of the leg just above the ankle. Raise the left arm and hold the outside of the right ankle. The right arm should be positioned so that the elbow lies between the thigh and the lower leg. Raise the right leg using the arms and hands. As the leg is raised, bend the trunk forward and twist slightly to the left. Place the leg on top of the right shoulder. Do not strain. Release the grip of the right hand. Raise the right leg higher by using the left arm and by pushing the thigh back using the right upper arm. Without straining, place the right foot behind the head at the nape of the neck. This is achieved by bending the head forward under the calf muscle which then rests on the shoulder. Finally, place the hands in front of the chest at the centre of the sternum. Try to straighten the spine and hold the head upright.