Lift both legs from the floor. Interlock the legs by placing the left foot on the right ankle. Stretch both legs to the right side. Be sure that the right arm is between the thighs. The right elbow should be slightly bent below the thighs. The left arm should be straight. Balance on the arms. Bend the elbows, lower the trunk and head until they are parallel to the floor. This is the final position. Hold the position for as long as is comfortable. Straighten the arms and raise the trunk. Release the legs and lower them to the floor. Return to the starting position.
Repeat on the oposite side. Breathing: Exhale while lifting the legs off the floor and
lowering the head and trunk into the final position. Breathe normally in the final position. Inhale while stretching the legs sideways and while raising
the trunk to come out of the final position. Awareness: Physical - on maintaining balance.
Spiritual - on manipura chakra. Sequence: Follow this asana with either shavasana or advasana. Benefits: This asana develops nervous control throughout the
body and mind. It reverses the flow of apana, directing the energy towards manipura chakra, helping to maintain brahmacharya, 'celibacy'. It strengthens the wrists, the
arm and leg muscles, and the muscles of the abdomen. Note: Astavakrasana is dedicated to Sage Astavakra, the spiritual
preceptor of King Janaka of Mithila. When the sage was in his mother's womb, his father Kagola made several mistakes while reciting the Vedas. Hearing these, the unborn sage laughed. His father became enraged and cursed his son to be born crooked. So it came to pass that he was born twisted in eight places, and was thus named Astavakra.