Koormasana (tortoise pose)
Sit on the ground with the legs outstretched. Separate the feet as wide apart as possible. Bend the knees slightly, keeping the heels in contact with the floor. Lean forward from the hips and place the hands under the knees, palms facing either up or down. Lean further forward and slowly slide the arms under the legs. The knees may be bent more if necessary. Slide the arms sideways and backward until the elbows lie near the back of the knees. Do not tense the back muscles. Slowly push the heels forward and straighten the legs as far as possible. The body will simultaneously bend further forward as leverage is applied on the hands and legs. Gradually, keeping the awareness on breath and relaxation, move the body forward until the forehead or chin touches the floor between the legs. Do not force or strain in any way. Fold the arms around the back and interlock the fingers of both hands under the buttocks. This is the final position. Relax the whole body, close the eyes and breathe slowly and deeply. Stay in the final position for as long as is comfortable.