This is the final position. Maintain the pose for as long as is comfortable. Slowly return to the forward position, release the limbs and relax. Repeat the same process with the legs reversed and twist in the opposite direction. After twisting to each side, stretch the legs forward and
relax in shavasana. Breathing: Exhale as the body twists.
Breathe normally in the final position.
Inhale while returning to the forward facing pose. Duration: Hold the pose up to 2 minutes on each side.
It should not be maintained for long periods of time. Awareness: Physical - on the twist of the spine or on the natural
Spiritual - on ajna chakra. Contra-indications: Be careful not to strain the body in any
way by either twisting the trunk more than its flexibility will allow or by placing the leg, in ardha padmasana,
higher than it is able to go naturally. Benefits: Essentially the same as for ardha matsyendrasana
but more accentuated. This posture enhances circulation in the back, increases muscle flexibility, stretches the vertebrae and discs, and frees the nerves from tension. It tones those nerves in the neck which connect the brain with the different parts of the body and helps to relieve neck and headache. It makes the leg muscles more supple. It massages the internal organs and is useful in the treatment of abdominal ailments, such as constipation, dyspepsia and diabetes. It regulates the secretion of
adrenaline, increasing vitality and calmness. Note: This asana is dedicated to the great yogi Matsyendranath who
founded hatha vidya.