Dwi Hasta Bhujangasana (two-handed cobra pose)
Stand with the feet about 45 cm apart. Bend the knees and come into a squatting position. Place both palms flat on the floor between the feet. Focus on a fixed point at eye level. Take the left foot off the floor and, wrapping the left leg around the outside of the left arm, rest it on the upper arm. Maintain the balance. Transfer the weight of the body onto the arms and, raising the right foot, slowly rest the right leg on the outside of the right arm above the elbow. This must be done carefully to avoid overbalancing. In the final position the whole body is supported by the arms and hands. Hold the position for as long as is comfortable. Slowly reverse the order of movements and resume the
starting position. Breathing: Breathe normally throughout the practice. Duration: Practise 2 or 3 times. Awareness: Physical - on maintaining balance.
Spiritual - on vishuddhi chakra.