Baka Dhyanasana (patient crane pose) Squat on the floor with the feet apart.
Bring the feet together.
Focus the gaze at the nosetip.
Balance on the toes and place the hands flat on the floor directly in front of the feet, with the fingers pointing forward. The elbows should be slightly bent.
Lean forward and adjust the knees so that the inside of the knees touch the outside of the upper arms as near as possible to the armpits.
Lean forward further, lifting the feet off the floor. Balance on the hands with the knees resting firmly on the upper
Hold the final position for as long as is comfortable. Slowly lower the feet to the floor.
Breathing: Retain the breath inside in the final position if holding the pose for a short period. Breathe normally if holding for longer periods.
Duration: Either practise holding the pose once for 2 or 3 minutes or practise raising and lowering the feet several times.
Awareness: Physical - on maintaining balance.
Spiritual - on the nose tip as in nasikagra drishti. Sequence: Relax in advasana following this asana.