Breathing: Inhale while standing on one foot in the starting
position. Retain the breath while lowering and raising the body. Breath normally in the final position.
Exhale when once more standing upright. Duration: Up to 3 times on each side. Awareness: Physical - on maintaining balance.
Spiritual - on swadhisthana chakra. Benefits: This asana strengthens the leg muscles and knee
joints. It reduces hyperactivity of the kidneys and diuresis. It develops the ability to retain seminal fluid for the
maintenance of brahmacharya. Variation: Practise vatayanasana with the arms stretched down
ward at a 45 degree angle from the body or stretched sideways like the wings of a bird.
Pada Angushthasana (tiptoe pose)
Assume a squatting posture and focus the gaze on a fixed point straight ahead. Raise the heels and balance on the tiptoes.