Merudandasana (spinal column pose)
Sit with the legs outstretched. Bend the knees and place the feet flat on the floor in front of the buttocks, about half a metre apart. Holding the big toes, slowly lean backward, balancing on the coccyx. Straighten the legs and arms, raising them upward. Steady the body, keeping the spine straight, then separate the legs as wide as possible. Hold the final position, keeping the gaze focused on a fixed point at eye level. Do not strain. Bring the legs together at the centre, bend the knees and
lower the feet to the floor. Breathing: Inhale in the sitting position.
Retain the breath inside while stretching the legs and holding the final position. If holding the pose for some time, breathe normally.
Exhale after lowering the feet. Duration: Practise up to 5 rounds, holding the breath in the
final position for as long as is comfortable. Awareness: Physical - on the coccyx, on maintaining balance
by focusing on a fixed point.
Spiritual - on swadhisthana chakra. Contra-indications: Merudandasana should not be practised
by people with high blood pressure, heart ailments, slipped disc or sciatica.