Duration: Up to 3 times on each side, holding for as long as possible each time.
Awareness: Physical - on maintaining balance.
Spiritual on swadhisthana or manipura chakra. Sequence: This asana should be preceded or followed by a backward bending asana such as makarasana. This posture may be used as a preliminary practice to bakasana. Contra-indications: People with high blood pressure should
not do this asana.
Benefits: This asana strengthens the arms, wrists, hips and leg muscles. It relaxes the lower back and helps develop nervous coordination.
Bakasana (crane pose)
Relax in the standing position with the feet together. Raise the arms in front of the body over the head.
Bend forward from the hips and grasp the toes of the right foot with both hands.
Slowly stretch the left leg behind, raising it as high as